tirsdag den 20. oktober 2015


If you, like I, work in a digital press workshop and sometimes receive businesscards for imposing/printing, and there are X names, which all should have of combination of Y different backs, delivered in 2 PDF files - where all the names are in one file, and all the backs are in another PDF, you know how cumbersome this can be.

Either you merge the files into one, copy all the pages by hand in Acrobat, or you create an imposition template, that most likely only would be useful for this single job, because if there is 5 names and 12 backs, that wouldn’t fit the next time, where it could be 19 names and 3 backs!

Because of this (and mostly, because I love being a nerd), I did a nice little utility, called MergeManyToOne! This can do the trick in just a few mouseclicks, you select both files, and it will merge the files into one PDF for you! If you have the above mentioned 5 fronts and 12 backs, you will end up with 120 pages in just a second, ready for a normal cut & stack imposition.

Try it out for yourself, the program can be found here - I promise, nothing will be logged, monitored, sent to any systems or anything else! Just run “Spillekort.WinForm.exe” and get going!

For illustration purposes, see the PDF files also included on the ge.tt link

If you run into any problems, just have comments or maybe even a feature request, please don’t hesitate to email me at tommylarsen@outlook.com - and please, read the disclaimer :)

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